Boosting Brand Success Using Modern Marketing Techniques
Brand consistency and hyper-personalization have quickly become the backbone of marketing, driving the success of many modern businesses. Currently, only one-third of businesses enforce these guidelines, however, the potential for success using these tools is abundant.
Remaining consistent across all platforms means maintaining the same voice, appearance, values, and message on all channels. From social media, to emails, to articles, the brand’s image is one of the most important aspects of marketing. These consistent interactions with consumers can help boost revenue and increase loyalty among the consumer base. Inconsistent branding can lead to confusion, interruptions in the sales cycle, and can hinder the company’s ability to generate leads.
Hyper-personalization is another important tool when it comes to modern marketing. Unlike traditional targeting, individualized marketing is focused on data, browsing history, and consumer preferences, and is empowered by machine learning algorithms. With this advanced technology, brands can personalize the user experience, making users more likely to continue to use the service or buy the product.
Source: BrandGuard