The award-winning Long Island Report is a multimedia news organization at Hofstra University where students gain valuable real-world experience producing news and features for online platforms.
Students learn how to work with editing images, video, audio and html and experiment with different types of tools for storytelling as well as using social media to generate story ideas and work with more diverse communities.
Who is Long Island Report
16 Spring St, Oyster Bay, New York, 11771, United States
Phone Number
(845) 745-0888
Reporters and editors from Long Island Report have gone on to careers in places like ABC, US News and World Report, The New York Times, CNN, Facebook, Mashable, BuzzFeed, Newsday and Long Island Pulse.
Want to pitch something? We make it easy for you!
Story ideas can be as varied as Long Island! Features, high school and college sports, entertainment events, and local politics are just some of the topics under discussion! We are interested in a variety of articles; from general news stories to photo essays and videos.
Submit your content here:
Editor: Cohen Greyson
Cohen is a writer, editor, and ghostwriter who lives in North Carolina and is a member of Romance Writers of America. When not writing or editing, he enjoys spending time with his wife and two children.
Weekend Editor: Melissa Thompson
Melissa has worked in the publishing industry for more than 20 years, and is currently the executive editor at Simon & Schuster. She graduated from Smith College with a BA in history and English literature, and received her MA in literature from Johns Hopkins University. Her debut novel, RHYS, was released in January 2017.
Editorials: Dave
Dave Terry is a New York City-based editor and writer. Her first novel, Allegedly, will be published in March 2018. She is also a contributing editor at xoJane, where he writes about mental health and culture.